The Trackless Train at Your Special Event
We can now bring the Miracle Express No. 1933 or No. 3 to your door with our state of the art Trackless Train (train on wheels).
Thrill your guests for an hour or all day: perfect for parties, company events, parking lot shuttle, or school, church, and group fundraisers.
You can ride the trackless train at the Gridley Farmer's Market, local parades, and events. Or you can lease it for your own event!
Call the train engineer (Steve) at 530-354-7168 or write to make your reservation today.
Max's Miracle Ranch is located at 3476 Smith Avenue in Biggs, California, 95917. We are 20 minutes from Chico or Yuba City on Highway 99: turn west onto Rio Bonito and north onto Smith Avenue. Go 1/3 mile and you are there!